
3 Reasons to Enjoy the Sun Instead of Working on Your Windows

Published on
April 21, 2013
Team Windows

The winter is saying goodbye, the sun is out, and it is time to work on your windows. What!?! You waited all winter for the weather to get nice again, and you are going to spend your first chances of being able to get out there and enjoy it by working on your windows?We can think of 3 great reasons for you not to waste the first nice days of spring weather working on your windows.Reason #1: You Never Know When It’s Going to RainMarch is one of the few months that has its own theme, “In like a lion and out like a lamb”. Most of you know that this means that the first part of March the weather is rather wild and crazy, and you just never know what the weather will be from day to day.So when you finally get a nice day to be outside, why in the world would you spend it working on your windows? Take advantage of the nice weather and go do something fun outside that you haven’t been able to do for the last 4-6 months.Reason #2: You Need the Vitamin D “Studies indicate that the effects of a vitamin D deficiency include an elevated risk of developing (and dying from) cancers of the colon, breast and prostate; high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease; osteoarthritis; and immune-system abnormalities that can result in infections and autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.” (The New York Times)Sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? Know the best form of natural vitamin D? The sun, as long as you don’t overdo it.You probably didn’t get much sun being inside during the cold weather, so you need to get out and get a healthy dose of it when the weather warms up. And unless you are rotating around the house and only working on the windows that are in the sun, you probably are going to be in the shade most of the time you are working on them; which means you won’t be getting enough of a natural dose of this needed vitamin.Reason #3: You Need the ExerciseAfter sitting in the house all winter enjoying the festive treats of the major holidays, the Super Bowl smorgasbord, and the high-fat cold weather food it is time for you to get out and move. You will burn off so many more calories cleaning up your yard, taking the dog of a long walk, or breaking the bike out of storage than you will working on your windows.Does all this mean that you should neglect your windows, then? No, it just means that you should let us take care of those windows for you because you have more important things to tend to than your windows when the sun comes out.