Can You Use a Screen Door With a French Door?

Published on
September 5, 2013

When you see pictures of French doors you never see them with a screen door accompanying them. So many people don’t think that you can’t have a screen door with a French door. People are under the impression that you have to give up being able to have a nice breeze coming through the door in exchange for having a beautiful door.And unfortunately, this means that they avoid having French doors installed on their home.But, if you think about this though, to truly show the beauty of a door it doesn’t make any sense to have a screen door covering it up in the picture. So pictures of French doors don’t have screen doors in them, because the focus is on the French door not the screen door you could possibly use.So, Can You Have a Screen Door with a French Door?Yes, you can. But, just like with any other doors you have to match the right screen to the French doors in order for both doors to function properly. You also have to be cautious that the screen door doesn’t take away from the beauty of the French doors.What Kind of Screen Door Can Be Used With a French Door?There are a number of screen doors that will work with a French door, but the best screen door to use with a French door is a retractable one. These doors are quietly hidden away when they are not in use, and then when you need them you simply pull them out.This allows you to be able to open the door and let fresh air in on a nice day, and they don’t block the beauty of your French door when they are not in use.So if you have avoided French doors on your home because you like having the luxury of being able to have a screen door in place to let in fresh air, you don’t have to keep avoiding them. You can have both the beautiful door and the fresh air.For more information on screen doors for your current French doors, or if you are interested in having both new French doors and its screen door installed, contact one of our specialists today.