
Cleaning Windows after Pranks (Part 1)

Published on
July 19, 2012
window cleaning in kentucky

The end of the school year is here, which means graduations and a lot more free time for the students. Celebrations and kicking off of the summer vacation can sometimes lead to mischief and pranks like: throwing eggs at homes, toilet papering yards, and putting silly string and shaving cream on windows.All of these products are really good at creating a mess that is an annoyance for the intended target. They can also cause damage though, if they aren’t cleaned up in time; something that the pranksters don’t think about or realize when they are doing it.Why Cleaning Windows after Being Egged is ImportantEggs are the pranksters favored weapon. Eggs are cheap, easy to get access to, and they can be thrown quickly from a distance (this cuts down the chance of getting caught). Eggs also splatter and break; which satisfies the urge to break things without actually breaking anyone’s property.Once the egg has splattered the clock starts ticking on the amount of damage that will be done. If the egg is allowed to dry it is more difficult to clean off of the glass, it will eat away at the paint on the window frame, and it could possibly cause permanent damage to the glass (called etching).Cleaning Windows after Being EggedThere are many different options for cleaning windows of eggs, all of which start by getting as much of the egg off as possible before actually cleaning. Spraying the egged area with water will help to remove egg that is not quite dried on yet and also soften egg that has dried on.Next, use a towel to wipe up as much of the egg as you can if the egg is soft. Don’t spread it around though, the towel is used more to collect the egg and the shells in order to remove them. The easiest way to do this is to surround the area with the towel, bring the towel together, and then lift the mess off.In the situation that the egg has already dried, after the water softens the dried egg, use a squeegee or a window scraper to remove the egg from the window. Remember, it is very important that you don’t try to wipe it up, all this will do is smear the egg around and make a bigger mess.Once all the egg is gone, clean the window with a vinegar/water solution and you are finished.If you are saying that all of this is too complicated and you need a faster solution, you can rent a pressure washer or higher a company that specializes in cleaning windows to take care of the mess for you.To be continued……