
Cleaning Windows after Pranks (Part 2)

Published on
July 22, 2012

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Egg on your window glass can be hard to remove

Photo Credit: Catherine McDonald , Global News[/caption]In the first part we concentrated on cleaning windows after they are egged, but there are three other products of choice that like to be used by pranksters. We are talking about: shaving cream, silly string and toilet paper.Cleaning Windows of Shaving CreamShaving cream isn’t actually harmful to windows. If fact, some professional cleaners use shaving cream to clean mirrors because it removes dirt and also can prevent mirrors in bathrooms from fogging up after a shower. So, if anything, you should find the ones that sprayed shaving cream all over your windows and thank them for getting you started on a great cleaning job.To clean up dried shaving cream, simply spray it off with water and then blot up what is left with a towel. Wet shaving cream can be cleaned up exactly like you sprayed it on the windows on purpose to clean them.Cleaning Windows of Silly StringSilly string is fun to spray, and fun to watch; but it is a product that people would no longer buy for fun of they truly understood the damage that it does to the material it sticks to. Some cities have even banned silly string from being sold because of how much it costs the cities to clean up the mess that is left behind on public property.Silly string needs to be cleaned up as soon as it is found. It can stick to surfaces just like glue, so it is best not to allow it to dry if you can. It will also stain surfaces, like vinyl window frames.If the silly string is still wet, you can just pick it up as it will not have been able to adhere very strongly to the surface it attached to yet. Now, if the silly string is already dried, try spraying it the best you can with water to get some of it off. After that, use the same approach as with the eggs, use a squeegee or window scraper to gently scrape the silly string off.Cleaning Windows of Toilet PaperIf your yard has been decorated with toilet paper there is a slim chance that there is any sticking to your windows. Usually it will only be on your windows if it has rained and the toilet paper was blown to the window or they were attached as spit wads.Really all you should have to do in this case is spray them down with water to disengage (or dissolve) the toilet paper. If it refuses to come off, you may have to resort to cleaning windows that have dried toilet paper on them with a sponge.