
Combating a Broken Air Conditioner with Your Windows

Published on
July 27, 2013

No one likes that moment during the summer when you turn on the air conditioner and realize that there is no cold air coming in the house. It’s a moment all homeowners dread, especially when they are in the middle of a heat wave.So if you find yourself in this situation, here are some ideas to help you try and keep cool until it can get fixed.Energy-Efficient Windows If you already have energy-efficient windows installed in your home keep them closed during the day when your air conditioner breaks. The glass in energy-efficient windows is designed to keep the summer sun from getting in your home so that your house keeps cooler. If you have your windows open, the glass can’t do its job and the heat will be coming through your window screens. Yes, this seems counterintuitive, but closed energy-efficient windows keep more heat out and cool your house better than the hot, fresh air you allow in by opening them.If you don’t have energy-efficient windows you need to open your windows to get the fresh air in. Regular windows are going to let the hot summer sun in whether they are open or not. With them open at least you will have some fresh air instead of hot stuffy air.Keep the Window Treatments ClosedWindow treatments work in two ways to help combat a broken air conditioner. First, they block some of the sun from getting in the home, which also means that they are blocking the heat from the sun.Second, they darken the inside of your home when they are blocking the sun. A room darkened by a window treatment is going to stay cooler than the rest of the home. And with a broken air conditioner, the darker the better, so this would probably be a good time to get black out curtains in your home if it will be a while before the air conditioner is fixed.Open and Closed WindowsOnce the sun goes down the temperature usually follows, so at night open your windows to let the cooler night air cool down your home. Then about mid-morning the next day when the temperatures start to rise again get those energy-efficient windows and window treatments closed to keep the hot air out again.