
Does the Cost to Run Your Air Conditioner Having You Boiling?

Published on
June 28, 2014

Now that we have had a little taste of summer, your utility bill is probably showing signs of its annual summer increase. Unfortunately, the summer has just started, and it’s only going to get worse. Here are some helpful ideas to keep that utility bill total from causing you to reach your boiling point, because then you’re just going to have turn up the air conditioner higher.Open Window, Close Window

Summer Bill Shock

One of the easiest ways to keep your house cool, at least part of the day, is also the way that will cost you nothing at all.In the early morning, open all the windows in the house to let the cool morning air in and the stuffy warmer air out. By having all the windows open it will create a nice cross breeze through the house, and this will instantly cool off your house for the morning. Then when it starts to get warmer in the early afternoon, close your windows and turn on the air conditioner.By doing this, you will only have to use your air conditioner for the hottest part of the day to keep your house cool.The Window Blocking GameWhen you have your oven on to cook something you make sure that the oven door is closed to keep the heat inside where you want it. With the summer heat, the idea is the same, but you want to keep the heat outside. To keep the heat outside you need to block how it’s getting inside your house.You can keep the heat out by:

  1. Making sure all the cracks around your windows are sealed
  2. Using thermal curtains to block the sun’s rays from going through your window glass
  3. Using the same foam window blocks that are used in the winter to keep the cold out

A More Permanent Window SolutionFor a permanent fix in reducing your utility bill, a change in your windows is called for. Regular windows just allow the sun’s rays and heat to come easily into your home; which is why you need to replace these regular windows with ones that are more energy efficient.Energy efficient-windows are specifically created to prevent the transfer of air through the glass, meaning that the heat stays outside where it belongs, and the air conditioned air stays in your home where it belongs. So these windows do all the regulating and blocking for you, with you having little additional work to do.Contact us today to find out how easy it is to replace your old windows with new energy efficient ones.