
Don’t Start Your Summer with Lead Poisoning

Published on
May 29, 2014

Every year homeowners embark on home improvement projects for their homes once the weather starts to get nice. Unfortunately, for those that live in older homes this also means that these projects that are meant to improve their homes are also exposing them to lead.If you have a home that was built before 1978, for the safety of your own health and that of your family’s contact a professional to complete the project for you instead. If it just happens to be a window project, we are the certified professionals that can complete the project for you safely and with a beautiful finished project.Where is This Lead Located?For homes built pre-1978, lead was used in paint and other home building materials before it was outlawed due to the dangers that it posed. So whenever you make changes to the walls of your home the disturbance of these materials creates a dangerous lead dust that can get in and on everything.

child behind lead paint window

How Does It Affect The Health of my Family?Once lead dust is created, it gets in the air and also lands on everything around it. Anyone that comes into the area that is being worked on is in danger of breathing in the lead dust or getting it on themselves.Everyone is in danger when they are exposed to lead dust, but it is especially harmful to children. In children, lead can cause anemia, stunted growth and brain damage. In adults, it can cause damage to the heart, the kidneys, the reproductive system and the nervous system.How Do I Protect My Family From This?You hire a professional company, like us, that is Lead-Safe Certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.When we work on a project we contain the lead dust and thoroughly clean it up after we are done. We educate our clients about the potential dangers of the renovation, and we take extra care in making sure that there is no exposure to the people that are living in the house.Our customers never have to worry about their health or the health of their family when we replace their windows.So by all means, start out the summer with your home improvement projects. Just don’t do it on your own, hire a professional to handle the project for you.