
How Did Your Windows Hold Up to the Polar Vortex?

Published on
January 23, 2014

When the weather becomes extremely cold, like it did recently, the windows you have in your home are truly put to the test. Your windows may seem okay when it’s 70 degrees outside, but when the temperature plummets to record breaking lows that’s when your windows start to show their weaknesses.

Here’s how to use the extreme cold weather to your advantage to find and fix any problems your windows may have.Did the Cold Feel More Intense in One Spot?If one area around your window felt like it was colder than anywhere else on your window then you most likely have a gap that needs to be repaired. Check the area that felt colder for any gaps, air movement, and broken down weather stripping.Once you determine where the gap is, apply winter caulking immediately. Don’t let this repair job wait until the spring or you will be feeling that cold draft all winter both physically and on your utility bill.Was It Just Cold in General by Your Windows?Not all windows are created equal, and extreme cold weather does a great job of separating the good windows from the bad. Bad windows let the cold air right through their glass panes with little resistance. This unblocked air then makes your house colder and makes your heater have to work harder.Good windows put up a better fight and don’t let the cold air through quite as easily. These good windows are energy-efficient windows, and they are specially designed to be a better barrier between the inside and the outside of your home.So if your windows did a poor job at keeping the cold air out during the polar vortex, then it might be time to upgrade to energy-efficient ones.Already Have Energy-Efficient Windows?While energy-efficient windows are your best bet at keeping the cold out, even they can let some cold air in when the temperatures start to get extreme. To help your energy-efficient windows out, keep your window treatments closed when it starts to get extremely cold.Closed window treatments create an additional barrier beyond your energy-efficient windows and stops whatever remaining cold air that was able to get past the windows. Good winter window treatments are heavy and thick, like blackout curtains.So now that you know where the weak points are for your current windows, take care of the problem as soon as you can. That way when the next blast of cold hits the area, your windows will be in better shape to help keep your house warm this time.