
Increasing Numbers are Looking to Remodel

Published on
August 14, 2013
Installation Truck

Those in the remodeling industry are experiencing a spike in business, according to the second-quarter data gathered by the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. Increases in current and future business is on the rise, showing ratings up to 6.31 from 5.97.The industry is staying busy, most companies booked solid throughout the summer. If you were looking to remodel, you’d definitely need to plan ahead!This spike won’t only last the duration of the summer, or ‘remodeling season’, as some like to call it, but is expected to continue on for months.So, why an increase in business for the industry now?

  1. Postponement of projects
  2. Improvement of home prices
  3. Economic growth

Thanks to consumers gaining more confidence in their renovation decisions, this confidence has then been translated throughout the entire remodeling community. Even though the inspired confidence has been a positive shift for the consumers and industry, remodelers remain cautious about what this may bring down the road.Are you looking to remodel or are currently in the process? Don't forget about us, we'll get you the windows or doors you need for any project at any time. Call us for a free estimate today!The source of this article is For Residential Pros. For more quotes and numbers, visit the site and view the article here.