
Not Too Late for New Louisville Windows

Published on
September 27, 2013
Window install 5 edited

Many people think that just because the summer is winding down that it is too late for you to get new Louisville windows installed. It’s never too late!We will install your windows in the heat of summer or in the cold of winter, so actually when the fall rolls around we love it, because it is the perfect temperature to be outside installing new windows.Great Timing for New Louisville WindowsBecause other homeowners think just like you and are under the impression that they can’t have new Louisville windows installed now because the summer is just about over, our schedule starts to clear up in the fall. And more room in our schedule means that you get your new Louisville windows faster than you would have if you tried to get them done in the summer.This is one of those times that procrastination really is a benefit.Financial Incentives on New Louisville Windows in the FallThere are two financial incentives for getting your new windows installed in the fall.First, we have the fall window sale. Right now when you purchase 4 windows for your home you get the fifth one for free. So all total, you are saving 20% on your windows when you order 5 of them.Second, if you want to take advantage of any tax rebates for installing energy-efficient Louisville windows in 2013, then you had better get on it. There are only a handful of months left in the year, so your time is starting to run out on getting that done.Getting Ready for the Louisville WinterFall is also a great time to start thinking about getting energy-efficient windows put in before the cold winter arrives. Energy-efficient windows will do so much better at keeping the heat in your home and the cold winter air out of your home than the old windows that you have.This prevention of air transfer with energy-efficient windows not only makes your home more comfortable, but it also keeps your energy bill down because you won’t have to run your heater as much.So don’t wait any longer to get those new Louisville windows in, contact us today to get the process started to take advantage of all the perks of getting your new windows in the fall.