
The Cold Outside Means the Perfect Time to Find Window Leaks

Published on
January 5, 2014

Now that the cold air has settle in the region for the winter, there is no better time of year to find out if your windows are leaking air. The contrast of the warm interior air with the cold exterior air coming in the window makes it easier to detect those leaks right now.

And finding these leaks as soon as you can will prevent further issues later down the road.The Best Ways to Find Window LeaksIf you can’t afford to hire a professional to check your windows for air leaks there are two great ways to check for airflow around your windows where there shouldn't be.First, take a lit candle and very, very slowly move it along the seams of the window. If it bends at all stop moving it and place it directly in front of the place where the flame bent. If it bends again you have just located a leak that needs to be taken care of.Second, get your hand wet and move it slowly along the seams of the window. The cold air will be felt easily on your wet hand and will allow you to feel where the leaks are in your window.Why is Finding Leaks Important?Finding leaks is important because these leaks are letting cold air in your house. The more cold air that is able to get in, the harder your heater has to work and the more expensive your utility bill becomes.What Do I Do If I Find a Leak?Usually you can fill the area where you found the leak with caulking and be done with it. If the leak is found in an area of your window that moves, caulking it is not recommended or your window will not be able to function like it should.For older windows it may just be time to replace them. Windows don’t last forever and need to be replaced with newer ones when they are allowing cold air in your home in places that can’t be repaired, or places that have been repaired over and over again.For more information about replacing your old windows, contact us today and one of our window specialists will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.