
Want to Save $150 or More on Your Window Project?

Published on
March 21, 2014
Casement Picture White Interior Custom FDL with Frenchwood

For just a short while longer, you have the chance to save some serious money on your home window projects. Until March 31st you can still save $150 per window that you have installed. You don’t have to have the windows installed by March 31st; you just have to purchase them by then. Replacement Window Improvement IdeasKnow that you want new windows, but not quite sure what to do?You can always replace a double-hung bathroom window with a fixed decorative window. A fixed window requires less cleaning and can be made with privacy glass so that you can enjoy the natural light without any embarrassment.Large picture windows can be replaced with multiple double-hung windows. This will give the exterior and interior of your house a different look and it will also cut down on the number of birds that try to fly through your window.Small basement windows can be replaced with larger windows. Having larger windows in the basement will allow you to add additional bedrooms in the basement; which can increase the value of your home.Save Money by Replacing Broken Windows NowNow that winter is coming to an end, all of those broken windows that revealed their weaknesses during the cold weather need to be fixed or replaced.Instead of waiting until later to replace them, take advantage of the $150 off and get them taken care of. You are eventually going to have to replace them anyway, and just think of what you can do this summer with the $150 that you will save by replacing them now.Think About Your Utility Bill This SummerIf you suffered through the winter with high utility bills because of your windows, don’t head into the summer with the same problem. Take care of those high utility bills by replacing your old windows with new energy-efficient ones. And by doing it now, you will not only save on your utility bill this summer, but you also will be getting to that lower utility bill for less than you would of if you waited to switch out your windows later in the season.For example, if you have 10 windows to change over to energy-efficient ones and you have it done during this sale, it will cost you $1,500 less ($150 x 10) than it would if you waited until after the sale to replace them.So don’t look like a fool and pay more later, because once April Fool’s Day is here these huge savings won’t be.