
What to Do With a Leaky Louisville Window

Published on
September 21, 2013
normal window condensation

A window can leak in two different ways. First, it can leak air. This is not air transfer through the glass of the window (something that is fixed with energy-efficient windows), but air that is able to get in and out through holes and gaps in the window itself or between the window and the house.Today though, we are going to talk about the second kind of leak in your Louisville window - a water leak. This leak is the one that causes the most damage and needs to be caught as early as possible. Because with a water leak we aren’t just talking about an increase in your utility bill, we are talking damage to the physical structure of your home.What are the Signs of a Louisville Window Leak?There are three main signs of a window leak.First, the sill of the window feels wet or is water stained. This can indicate that water is getting in somewhere around the window and is settling on the sill.Second, there is mold and mildew growth around the window. Now, this could also mean that the humidity in the air is high, but it also a possible indication that your window is leaking.Third, the wall around the window is starting to look different. The change in the wall around the window could be a water stain starting to appear, the wall is actually looking or feels wet, or the paint on the wall is bubbling and coming off. These are all indications that water is leaking in through the window and is starting to damage the wall around the window.What Do You Do When You See Signs Your Louisville Window is Leaking?When you start to see signs that your Louisville window it leaking, it is time to call in a professional. Yes, you could try and fix the situation yourself, but if you don’t know what you are doing or have never done anything like this before you could actually make the situation worse than it already is.Instead, call in some one that knows what they are doing and can take care of the problem quickly to prevent further damage.The problem could be as easy as resealing the window, or it could be that you need a new window because the one you currently have in is way past its prime. It could also be a case of faulty construction from when your home was first built.So let a professional assess the damage for you and leave it to them to fix any damage and the leak in your Louisville window.