
Windows in Unconventional Places

Published on
January 24, 2013

Windows are always seen in the usual places. They are found in bedrooms, kitchens, front rooms, sitting rooms, and usually bathrooms (but, not always). When you are thinking about remodeling your home in future, think about the unconventional places that you can install windows for an easy remodeling project.Places like in a walk-in closet, towards the ceiling in a hallway, the food pantry, the mudroom, and definitely any bathroom that doesn’t already have one. It may sound silly to have windows in any of these places, but once you have one in you will wonder how you ever lived without it.Windows Save on ElectricityMost of the places listed above and any of the other unconventional places that you can think of in your own home all have one thing in common; they are closed off places and are usually dark. In most of these places, you have to turn on a light to be able to see anything, including during the daytime when they rest of the home is naturally lit.By putting in a window in any of these places, you will have the natural light to allow you to see in these spaces, instead of having to turn on a light. With being able to leave the light off, you will save on your electricity bill. This is especially true if you have children that have a habit of leaving lights on around the house.Windows Brighten the Darkest AreasAlong with not having to turn on the light in these areas any longer, after a window has been installed, the natural light also does wonders in brightening everything. Imagine how much brighter and better feeling your home would be with natural light coming in through the hallway from windows installed near the ceiling, instead of the dark hallway you currently have. Or the good start you will get in the morning when you are greeted with sunshine as soon as you enter your walk in closet.Use Window Treatments for Private LocationsIn many of these unconventional places, they are left without windows because of the privacy element. You don’t want people to be able to look into your walk-in closet or your food pantry, so windows are not usually put in these places when they are built.However, there are too many perks to having natural light in these places to leave them in the dark any longer. Privacy can still be easily achieved by installing a window treatment that matches the room.