
Windows vs. Electricity

Published on
June 7, 2014
cross breeze

Electricity is one of the greatest conveniences that we have in our homes.

Don’t believe it? Just think about how upset you get when the power goes out unexpectedly.Most people however, don’t realize that they have another part of their home that is also extremely convenient. It is not thought of as a modern day convenience though, because it has been a part of our homes since humans started building houses, and we just take them for granted.They don’t cost anything to use, they provide a source of free entertainment, and they are actually better for your health than electricity can be.So, what is this ancient convenience that you have in your home?Your windows.Windows are Cheaper than ElectricityWhenever your house gets hot or stuffy, do you automatically reach for the thermostat or fan? Every time you turn these devices on it requires electricity; which in turn means more money you will have to pay on your utility bill that month.To save yourself some money, open your windows instead. By opening windows on opposite sides of the house you can create a nice cross breeze that will cool your home down fast and will also get fresh air flowing through. Best of all, the utility company can’t charge you for opening your windows to cool down your home.Entertaining WindowsRunning your computer and your television are probably your main sources of entertainment. But, do you realize that your windows can be a source of entertainment also? They allow you to look outside and watch people, animals, and weather all from the comfort of your home. Think of it as real, reality TV.The best thing about it is that this entertainment is free. You don’t have to pay for internet access, cable/dish, or for the electricity that is required to run the entertainment device.Windows Provide Better HealthIt’s hard to think of windows as being able to provide us with better health, but they actually do in two different ways.First, windows help improve our moods. When the weather gets cold and chases us indoors for long periods of time, many of us get depressed because of the lack of sunshine. Thanks to windows though, we can get a little mood boost by sitting in the sunshine from the warmth of our homes when it is too cold to be outside.Second, windows can help us from getting sick. Every year we are more likely to get sick in the winter than we are in the summer. Is it because of the cold? No, it’s because we are stuck inside buildings all day that aren’t getting ventilated because we want to stay warm.This lack of ventilation allows viruses and bacteria to stick around inside longer; increasing our chances that we will catch whatever is floating around in the air. To give yourself a better chance of staying healthy in the winter, simply open the windows to your home every now and then to let the old air out and new clean air in.