
Animals and Windows Don’t Mix

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May 19, 2014

Animals don’t have the same reasoning ability that we do when it comes to being able to tell that a clear pane of glass is an obstacle. They don’t see an obstacle, they see an open pathway. Unfortunately, when they try to walk through this perceived pathway they end up damaging the window or hurting themselves.Here are some ways to protect your windows.Windows Out of Reach of PetsPets, especially cats, like to sit near windows. It doesn’t matter if they are open or not, windows are a source of entertainment for pets. There are new things to look at outside and they love it when there are other animals or movement to watch.However, this movement outside can also trigger natural hunting and protection reactions. These reactions can lead to your pet running into the window in an attempt to get to what they see outside, leaving you with a hurt and confused pet and even a broken window.If your pet has a habit of trying to go through the window, you need to make it harder for them to get to the window at all. You can do this by removing anything they use to jump on to get to the window. You can also place heavy, sturdy objects where they normally sit or lay next to the open window, to prevent them from getting there or getting comfortable.Don’t Feed Outside Animals Near WindowsOutside animals are a category all of their own when it comes to destroying items we own. They don’t do it on purpose; they are usually just following their instincts when the window happens to get in the way.To limit the chances of your window being damaged by outside animals, never feed them near your windows. This is very hard since that is the best place to view them. But, if there is no food there one day and they smell or think that there is food in your home, they will try to come in your home. Depending on how big the animal is, you may end up with a broken window as a result of their attempt to get at the food in your home.The best thing to do is to feed outside animals away from the windows and further out in the yard. This way they won’t be going through your window for a meal.